contributing artist guidelines | artist t shirts, graphic sweatshirts & hoodies

contributing artist guidelines

The fine print

The following paragraphs summarise doodlewear's approach to behaviour and content. These guidelines have been made public in the spirit of open communication but it should be noted that they are adaptable and will evolve over time. Depending on the severity, a breach of doodlewear's guidelines can result in a formal warning, account suspension or account closure. In applying these guidelines, doodlewear reserves the right to remove a work or close an account at our sole discretion.


Members must be 16 years or older. This is a legal requirement as people under the age of 16 are not able to enter into a legal contract with doodlewear.

Mature Content

We want to keep this space children friendly and cater to the comfort of the majority, so please no mature content that may be considered not suitable for viewing by some audiences, such as nudity, skulls, blood, guns, alcohol, drugs, violence, adult language and other similar themes. Failure to comply with this guideline may result in account restriction or closure.


doodlewear has a filter that allows the customer to filter by tagged words (for example, animals or colour pencils). We are constantly updating the tags to be more inclusive as relevant works are uploaded.

Tag spamming is not permitted. Tag spamming is the use of irrelevant or inappropriate words in the tags on a work - for example, using the tag watercolour on a work that contains only acrylic paint

Self Promotion 

Self Promotion on your social media and other means outside of doodlewear's site is encouraged to grow our site's customer traffic. However, the product details section of the site is solely used for the description of your work only, and cannot include self-promotional text or language.

Adult Language 

Malicious words or swearing is not permitted as part of any content on doodlewear. This is to keep doodlewear open to all audiences.

Nudity and Pornography

The following material is not permissible on doodlewear:

  • Sexual material: Explicit and gratuitous foreplay. Displays of sexual intercourse showing genitalia in direct contact including, but not limited to, male-to-female, female-to-female and male-to-male. Male or female masturbation where hands come into contact with genitalia in real or simulated masturbation/fondling. Semen and vaginal fluids. Urine when considered in a sexual context. “Sex toys” in use with genitalia or in a clear sexual context including but not limited to penis-rings, dildos, strap-ons, vibrators etc. Manually spread vaginas or anuses (either sex) by hand or manipulated open by any other artificial means.
  • Penises and vaginas: Any image that is deemed to be gratuitous - definition of gratuitous: "unnecessary or unwarranted". This will generally include close-up vagina images or images that show intimate details of a vagina, men with an erection that is clearly visible, or images where the penis is the focal subject.
  • Nude or 'sexualised' children: doodlewear has a conservative approach to images of children. Children should be appropriately clothed. As a general rule, 'appropriately clothed' means no genitalia, no uncovered bottoms and, for pubescent girls, no bare chests. We define a child as anyone under the age of 18. In images of babies or infants, some nudity is acceptable (for example, in the style of Anne Geddes' portrait photography) but we request that genitalia is covered.
  • General titillation: Images constructed with the primary purpose of sexually exciting the viewer and where no attempt at an artistic statement has been made.

Designs on Children's Clothing

We take a conservative approach to designs made available in children’s clothing. Designs should be suitable for children of all ages and without undesirable associations or connotations (for example, sexually or violently suggestive, demeaning, derogative or political material or phrasing that could be interpreted as such). Humorous slogans need to be tested against a broad range of views as they can cause unforeseen and unintended offences. Gender-specific slogans also need careful consideration.


Work that glorifies or trivialises violence is not permitted. This includes graphic depictions of violence, works that trivialise violent acts, and work or behaviour where the intent of the artist is to incite hatred or violence.

Works that deal with catastrophic events such as genocides or holocausts need to be sensitively handled and are not recommended Works that have the potential to cause the victims serious distress will not be uploaded. doodlewear reserves the right to remove any work that is deemed too violent and/or inappropriate due to customer complaints.


Racist content or behaviour and material designed to incite racism are not permitted. We define racism as either the hatred or intolerance of another race or a belief that all members of a racial group possess characteristics specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being inferior.

Racist Terms: Works that use racist terms in a casual and/or derogatory way are not permitted. 

Use of Symbols: Symbols and icons carry strong messages e.g. the swastika, crosses, the Confederate Flag, Hitler and the Koran. These symbols and their like can be used in a work, but only with considerable care. Works may be removed if:

  • the intent is ambiguous or needlessly provocative 
  • the content appears deliberately designed to contravene anti-vilification, anti-racist or hate guidelines
  • the content does not comply with country-specific laws 

doodlewear reserves the right to remove any work that is deemed racist and/or inappropriate due to customer complaints.

Country Specific Laws

Some countries regulate or prohibit the use of certain content, like symbols, images or words. To comply with the laws in these countries, doodlewear may remove works that contain such content.

Defamation, Libel or Vilification

Any work or behaviour that can reasonably be considered defamatory, libellous or vilifying is not permitted. As a general rule, works that are presented as an opinion or a criticism on a subject of public interest do not fall under this definition.

Copyright and other forms of IP protection

doodlewear respects Copyright and Trademark laws and will remove any work found to infringe Copyright or Trademark protection. If you believe your copyright or other intellectual property rights are being infringed, you are able to make a formal complaint by using the processes described in our doodlewear IP / publicity rights policy.

Deliberate Misuse

Deliberate misuse is when a person or entity opens an account with the primary purpose of infringing the doodlewear Contributing Artist Guidelines or is found to be otherwise using the account for purposes doodlewear was not designed. In most cases, deliberate misuse will result in immediate account closure. If the account is found to be linked to an existing membership, the consequences for inappropriate behaviour will be applied to all the artist’s accounts. Examples of deliberate misuse include but are not limited to the following:

  • Using doodlewear to sell cheap mass-produced art reproductions
  • Using doodlewear to sell art that is not by an NZ artist
  • Using doodlewear to host links to or advertise products that are either illegal or otherwise unsuitable for doodlewear eg: Viagra
  • Re-uploading content that has been previously moderated
  • Repeatedly infringing or repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights, trademark rights, other intellectual property rights or publicity rights of others