Matt Coates: Capturing Magic with Watercolour Artist | doodlewear

Matt Coates: Capturing Magic with Watercolour Artistry

Matt Coates: Spillin' the Magic with Watercolour Artistry

Recently, we caught up with Matt Coates for a Creative Chats Interview, and he was kind enough to answer a few questions about his life and art. As a self-taught, full-time watercolour artist from Titirangi, Auckland, Matt finds his muse in the serene landscapes around him—local beaches, native bush, and the vibrant marine life that inhabits these ecosystems. His artwork, particularly renowned for its whimsical representations of whales, resonates with tales and peculiar charm, engaging anyone who views them.



'Reef Rush Hour' hoodie by Watercolour Artist Matt Coates


The Spark of Creativity in Isolation

"Lockdown in 2020 gave me a chance to get back into my art," Matt shares about his artistic revival during the unprecedented global pause. What began as daily painting sessions without a clear direction soon morphed into a unique style that not only rekindled his passion but also opened doors to illustrating children's books. "I began painting everyday just for fun. I had no real aim or style with my art and started painting whales in quirky situations, that lead to flamingos and then other animals. This gave me a chance to illustrate two children’s books over in the years to come with my fairy new-ish style."


A Whale’s Journey tee MATT COATES ART

'A Whale’s Journey' by Watercolour Artist Matt Coates


A Transition from Design to Pure Art

Previously a self-employed graphic designer, Matt's career took a significant turn when the pandemic struck. "I was painting every day and haven’t stopped since," he explains. This shift was not just a change in routine but a return to his first love—art, something he had been passionate about since he was five years old.


Continuous Growth and Exploration

Matt believes in the continuous evolution of his craft. "As an artist you need to grow, keep learning, keep trying and improving, its a practice, and there’s always room to grow and different paths to take with your art," he shares. This year, he ventured into acrylics on canvas—a new medium that still employs his foundational skills in watercolours. His adventurous spirit in exploring various artistic paths showcases his commitment to growth and excellence in art.


The Social Octopus tee MATT COATES ART

'The Social Octopus' tee by Watercolour Artist Matt Coates


Diverse Inspirations: From Music to Art Icons

Matt draws profound inspiration not only from the musical rhythms and lyrics of his favourite bands but also from a diverse array of artists across different mediums. "Hearing how some bands started out and the challenges they went through gives me plenty to push through with my art," he shares, illustrating how the perseverance and narratives in music influence his creative process. 

Beyond music, Matt's artistic influences span a wide spectrum. "When I was focusing more on illustrative artwork, especially painting whimsical whales, children's book illustrators like Oliver Jeffers, Axel Scheffler, Benji Davies, and Chris Van Dusen were significant inspirations," he explains. Furthermore, he finds motivation in the works of Paul Kenton, a UK artist known for his vibrant cityscapes, and Thierry Duval, whose meticulous watercolour cityscapes capture the essence of Parisian charm. Additionally, Matt admires the ambition and determination of Ken Block, a legendary rally car driver, highlighting an appreciation for excellence and mastery that transcends the boundaries of art forms.


Beach Tic Tac Toe Cushion Cover MATT COATES ART


Celebrating New Zealand's Natural Heritage

Currently, Matt is captivated by New Zealand's rich wildlife, history, and culture. His recent series brings to life old NZ coins with vibrant watercolours, celebrating the unique icons of Kiwi heritage. "I’m currently working on a series of watercolours of NZ fish," Matt adds, noting the joy of revisiting a theme he first explored in 2006.


Art as a Medium of Joy and Memory

"My hope is that my art brings a smile to their face or sparks a memory," Matt expresses his desire for his artwork to connect emotionally with his audience. Whether it's the whimsical journey of a whale or the detailed texture of a coin, each piece is crafted to touch the viewer's heart and evoke nostalgia.


Sleepy Town tee MATT COATES ART

'Sleepy Town' by Watercolour Artist Matt Coates


The Creative Process: From Concept to Canvas

Matt's artistic process involves meticulous research and sketching. "I do plenty of image research, once I have this idea in my brain. Plus several sketches down on paper to make sure it ‘will work’ before I plan out the painting. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes an idea cannot be forced onto a piece of paper and work well enough that someone else will understand it. Those sketches go in the scrap pile to be file or thrown at a later date," he details. This thorough preparation ensures that each artwork is not just a fleeting thought but a well-considered visual narrative.


A Lifelong Passion for Watercolours

Reflecting on his preferred mediums, Matt highlights his love for watercolours. "Watercolours are great, easy to clean, they dry fast, portable and are cheap to run. But the best part is that I love the vibrant colours and the layering," he explains, showcasing his deep affection and mastery of this medium.


Creatures Of The High Seas tee MATT COATES ART

'Creatures Of The High Seas' tee by Watercolour Artist Matt Coates


Themes and Favourites

Matt's artistic pursuits are deeply rooted in marine themes, a reflection of his love for the sea and its myriad creatures. "At this stage marine themes, previously I have created NZ inspired art, you realise how great the NZ flora and fauna is," he explains, emphasising his connection to the natural beauty of his homeland. His favourite subjects to depict are sea creatures, a choice driven by both passion and a thematic continuity in his portfolio.


Display and Aspirations: Sharing Art with the World

Matt's artwork graces various venues, from weekend markets to select retail stockists. "I do weekend markets and have a few places that stock my art, but hoping to broaden where my art can be viewed, more stockists and art galleries in the future," he shares.


Chip Drunk tee MATT COATES ART

 'Chip Drunk' tee by Watercolour Artist Matt Coates


Artistic Influence and Perspective on Success

Matt is not one to chase fleeting trends. Instead, he finds inspiration by engaging with other artists on social media and drawing ideas for future projects. He measures success not by monetary gain but by personal satisfaction and family happiness. "Success is having a happy family, reaching your goals, and, most importantly, enjoying life. When the lights go out, I would like to think I have achieved success with those things, not with what's in the bank account. Being a successful artist to me means creating art you are proud of and probably having a few good art exhibitions to show for it," he states, underscoring a holistic view of his artistic journey.


Advice to Aspiring Artists: Persistence and Passion

Matt shares that one of the best things about being an artist is having no boss. He adds, "But also, one of the best things has to be creating something that has so much meaning and joy from just a few materials."

For those considering a full-time career in art, Matt advises, "If you keep think about making it into a career do it. But be prepared to put in the hours, some rejection and getting familiar with local art shops." He encourages young artists to immerse themselves in their craft daily, as continuous practice sharpens skills and deepens artistic expression. "Make art every day," he suggests, "It can be five minutes or five hours but you will notice you skills improving dramatically. Eat, sleep, breath art - visit art galleries watch videos, read books about making art, artists etc." This advice not only highlights his dedication but also serves as a guiding principle for upcoming artists striving to make their mark.


Matt Coates Art


A Call to Explore and Engage

As Matt Coates continues to explore the depths of his creativity, his collaboration with Doodlewear has brought a new dimension to his art. His artworks now adorn wearable pieces that ignite the whimsical imagination and carry the essence of New Zealand's beauty. We invite you to explore Matt's Doodlewear collaboration collection, where each piece tells a story and captures the spirit of his artistic journey.

What part of Matt’s artistic journey resonates with you the most? Have you checked out his whimsical whale artworks on Doodlewear yet? Let us know in the comments and make sure to explore the collection for a touch of magic and charm in your everyday wear!




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